World Mother Earth Day

World Mother Earth Day

World Mother Earth Day

April 22 marks International Earth Day, a global day dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of protecting our planet.

At Magic and Cardboard, we share a deep concern for the negative impact that the widespread use of plastic in toys has on our environment. The statistics are clear: approximately 90% of toys end their useful life in landfills or in our oceans. Once these plastic objects reach the sea, they can take decades or even centuries to decompose due to their slow degrading composition.

Teaching recycling to new generations

Recycling our waste is a shared responsibility both to our planet and to future generations. From an early age, it is crucial to teach children about the importance of recycling at home, guiding them to learn how to select and dispose of waste correctly.

By instilling socio-environmental awareness in children, parents contribute to the creation of more sustainable lifestyles, thus improving the quality of life and well-being of society as a whole.

A recognition of sustainability




Play can play an essential role in the education of children. That's why every element of our toys follows the 3Rs principle: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

In addition, each toy comes with a special diploma that congratulates children for their efforts once the toy is recycled and a door hanger that teaches ways to recycle.





What can each of us do?


Small actions within our home can make a big impact! 

Let's opt for the reuse of products, avoiding the use of single-use objects. For example, before discarding a sheet of paper, let's take advantage of its reverse side to draw.

We prefer options made from biodegradable and recyclable materials, thus reducing our plastic consumption wherever possible. And once these products have served their purpose, let's be sure to take them to a nearby recycling point so they can be reintroduced into their life cycle.

Finally, let's remember the importance of connecting with nature by getting outdoors and learning about the flora and fauna that surrounds us. The best way to care for our planet is to enjoy and appreciate it to the fullest.

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